Monday, February 18, 2013

Camping for Valentine's Day

Sure, that's what we'll say. We decided to celebrate Valentine's Day camping. Not really, but it sounds more romantic and thought out. In reality, we just opted to spend an overnight, relaxing in Superior with friends.

A short jaunt up to Superior, a brief drive off road and one perfect camp spot later..

After camp was set up, I took off with the dogs to explore. Mike hurt his ankle the day prior to he kept watch over camp with Pete. We climbed a few hills to get a overview of our valley.

I moseyed back to camp to tell Mandy where we should hike to photograph tonight's sunset. Unfortunately when we climbed back up several hours later, the sunset was a complete disappointment.

The "kids" enjoying the sunset. Nah, they were watching camp, making sure Mike didn't go anywhere.

After Arizona's worst sunset, we went back to camp to have dinner, bake apples over the fire, and just relax. Elly was chilly, so napped on Mike's lap.

With ember's going out, we all turned in.  Chilly nights camping are the only time Elly will tolerate Rommel cuddling with her.

The next morning I wandered off to get some shots of the morning sun on the mountains.  The dogs came along and the girl's had a blast playing tag.

With exhausted dogs in tow, back to camp for breakfast. Thank you chef Mandy.  Unfortuantely, time was wearing on and we had to pack up to head home.  By this time, the girls were pooped.

It was a great weekend.  A gimpy dog and husband (hyper extended shoulder and twisted ankle, respectively), made for a quiet and relaxing camp trip.  No expectations, no plans, just bumming around in Arizona's beautiful winter weather. I love my life.

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