Sunday, July 14, 2019

North Rim via Dirt

We woke to find that the ant situation we experienced the night prior didn't get any better in the morning.

While they weren't bitey, they were annoying.  So we packed up and headed along NF roads to Fire Point.  It was quite the jaunt to get there, but once at the canyon's edge, we had the place all to ourselves.  We set up our chairs, I made lunch and we spent an enjoyable mid morning relaxing in the breeze.

One dirt road to a canyon edge not being enough, Mike decided we needed to get to Sublime Point.  It was a haul.  Towing the pig of a teardrop behind us, we slugged along roads that required 4 low until finally reaching our destination.

The overlook was amazing.  Storms were rolling in, so the trio of dirt bike riders that followed us up left just prior to us.  It took us just as long to get out as it did in, via a different route that dropped us back into the park.  Just prior to pavement, we paused in a grassy clearing to get the 4 low rattle out of our bones.

On our way out of the park, we finally spotted a herd of bison.  We stopped along the road to watch them graze, cross the road for water, and run back to the west side to join up with the rest of the herd. It was the highlight of the afternoon.

Deciding to try NF roads on the east side this evening, we again lucked out with a disused alfa offshoot and hid in the trees, away from the road.

It was a long day, but sometimes the best ones are.

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