A Moment Frozen - Candid Photo by Mandy
I've always considered myself a pessimist but I refuse to hate all of 2016. Wonderful things still happened this year. Good days outnumbered the bad. Triumphs came along with failures. And, most importantly, adventures of all kind were had.
We had our annual camping trip. As always, Colorado and Utah didn't disappoint.
Left to Right: Colorado, Silverton, CO & Sedona, AZ
We had a few short camping trips, small adventures at home, canoeing with friends, hiking with the dogs.
Camping at Reynolds Creek (we hope its still there after fire season)
Controlled Chaos
Bartlett Lake, AZ
Home <3
I started a fitness journey and began running consistently for the first time in 9 years. And recently, thanks to an early Christmas present from my parents, I have taken up biking again.
We took a small step back from off road adventures so Mike could start racing his Chevelle in the local SCCA autocross series. He has done quite well and impressed many people with how quick the giant blue beast is. (He owes me a considerable amount of off road travel for the last 5 months....)
Good Guys Duel in the Desert, Scottsdale, AZ
At the end of this year, we're celebrating health and happiness at home. I am looking forward to 2017 and embracing the things in this world that I can change while not expending too much energy on those that I can not.
Life can be amazing, if you only take the time to live it as fully as you can.
Silverton, CO
May 2017 bring you peace, happiness and many adventures.
-The Adventure Wife