Thursday, July 17, 2014

Farewell Colorado, Hello hot hot hot Arizona

Thankfully it did not rain on us overnight, so we were able to pack up a relatively dry campsite.  During breakfast we noticed an already steady upwards progression on FJ's traveling up to Black Bear.  Great.  Our road out is single lane and groups of 5-10 FJ's were coming up every hour.  We would have to time our exit perfectly.  We stopped off at the falls one more time to fill up the 5 gallon emergency water jugs.

Man I'm going to miss Silverton.

Prior to leaving for our trip, I was cornered by a coworker who was desperately in need of a honey wine. Having traveled to Silverton herself, two years prior, she bought a bottle and loved it.  They don't ship out of state.  Being winos, we agreed to stop.  I wasn't expecting to leave with 10 bottles just for myself.  But hey, they don't ship out of state.  If you're a sweet wine person, Honeyville is for you. 

After our expensive stop, we slabbed our way south.  It would be nice if there wasn't a huge expanse of desolate desert in between our favorite vacation stops and home.  Four corners makes the desert I call home look like a jungle.  You know its boring when the camera goes back into its neoprene case.

Pete and Mandy were intending to get home tomorrow, so we planned to camp again south of the Grand Canyon.  We were aiming for the eastern exit that the AZBDR notes.  By this time, the sun was setting.  It was going to be a late night.

The sky was hazy.  We initially thought the usual, dust.  But no, its fire season.  Somewhere west of the canyon there was a large fire and it was stinking up everything east of it.

Several miles into our journey, I was done.  This road was nothing but exposed rocks: bumpy and slow going.  It would be long past dark before we entered the pine trees and found suitable camping.

During our quick dinner, our water pump died.  Good news, the trip was almost over. Bad news, damnit, our water pump died.  Cheap Hecho in Mexico garbage.  Pete and Mike rigged it up to work for the short term, but we were going to have a to get a new one.  And since Mike and I weren't ready to throw in the towel on our vacation yet, we would be doing some shopping in Flagstaff tomorrow.

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